Friday, January 30, 2009

Happy Birthday PaPa!

This past Wednesday was my PaPa's birthday. We had a small celebration for him at Mom's.

We bought him this bird feeder.
Samuel and Tim

Moving Day

Tristan & I made a trip to Jacksonville, FL to help Julie & William (and Nicholas) move here to Tennessee. Yeah!! It was a long, rough trip since we made the entire round trip in 26 hours. However, I would do it again to have them here. Tristan loading the trailor. Nicholas just chilling.

Julie headed to get another LARGE box:)Will making sure we got it all.Ta dah! All finished!The mighty Chevy ready to hit the road.Leaving Jacksonville

Atlanta traffic. Just one more reason I love the country!

P.S. - Happy Birthday Will!!

Monday, January 26, 2009


Tristan bought these two pigs last week. Since we are raising them for meat Julie and I have affectionately named them Bacon and Sausage.

It's been pretty cold here so they sleep buried in the hay.


Monday, January 19, 2009

Field Trip

Today we took the students from the school where I work on an Honor Roll Field Trip to Chatanooga. We visted the Tennessee Aquarium, saw a 3D film at the Imax about Dolphins & Whales, and went to a Creative museum. It was a long, but fun day.

The Tennessee Aquarium.

The children had fun petting and feeding the sting rays.

They had a butterfly hall where you could actually catch the butterflies and they would land on you. Braelynn is holding one of my favorites. They had some really pretty blue ones too, but I couldn't get a good picture of them.

Doesn't this penguin look snobby? Lol.

We found Nemo!

Our crew.

Some of us petted this snake. It felt weird!

Don't you love our glasses?

The kids loved the creative museum.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Christmas Decor

I have been procrastinating about taking my Christmas decorations down this year. Partly because I was so late getting them up. Darren, Missy, & Ethan were over tonight and they were my willing helpers to get it all put away. Thanks guys! This dancing snowgirl is one of my favorite decorations. Tristan bought it for me on our honeymoon.Yes, we had two trees. We wanted to be able to see the lights from outside so we put one in our bedroom since it's on the front of our house , but I still wanted one in the living area to put the presents under. This doesn't sound so crazy unless you have actually seen our place. We are living in a very small apartment over our garage until we build our house.
My happy helpers.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Hats

3 of my students modeling the hats an older girl gave them for Christmas.
Hanna, Missy (my niece) and Madison

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Anniversary Trip

Back in October, Tristan & I took a road trip to the New England states to celebrate our 5 year anniversary. We saw some really beautiful and interesting scenery. Here's just a little bit of what we saw.
DiMillo's floating restaurant in Portland, Maine. It had great sea food.

Lenny - 1,700 pounds of chocolate

Portland Head Light - commissioned in 1791 by President George Washington.
It's located in Fort Williams Park in Cape Elizabeth, Maine.
Just some of the scenery in Vermont. It was next to impossible to capture everything. However, the fall colors were spectacular.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Nieces & Nephews

Thought I would share some cute photos of our nieces and nephews that were taken at Christmas.L to R: Ethan, Melissa, Darren - Samuel is in the manger

L to R: Matthew, Kaylee holding Nicholas, Erin

Trudie - not really our niece but I've known her mom since we were babies so she may as well be.

I think they are a great group of kids:)

Here goes nothing:)

I have decided to enter the blogging world. We'll see how it goes.