Friday, January 30, 2009

Moving Day

Tristan & I made a trip to Jacksonville, FL to help Julie & William (and Nicholas) move here to Tennessee. Yeah!! It was a long, rough trip since we made the entire round trip in 26 hours. However, I would do it again to have them here. Tristan loading the trailor. Nicholas just chilling.

Julie headed to get another LARGE box:)Will making sure we got it all.Ta dah! All finished!The mighty Chevy ready to hit the road.Leaving Jacksonville

Atlanta traffic. Just one more reason I love the country!

P.S. - Happy Birthday Will!!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, we are happy to have Julie and William here. Can't wait to see Nicolas! Haven't gotten to meet him yet. Now Samuel will have a little buddy to grow up with. :)
