Friday, January 16, 2009

Christmas Decor

I have been procrastinating about taking my Christmas decorations down this year. Partly because I was so late getting them up. Darren, Missy, & Ethan were over tonight and they were my willing helpers to get it all put away. Thanks guys! This dancing snowgirl is one of my favorite decorations. Tristan bought it for me on our honeymoon.Yes, we had two trees. We wanted to be able to see the lights from outside so we put one in our bedroom since it's on the front of our house , but I still wanted one in the living area to put the presents under. This doesn't sound so crazy unless you have actually seen our place. We are living in a very small apartment over our garage until we build our house.
My happy helpers.

1 comment:

  1. What a nice treat to see 3 of my kiddos while at work! Glad they were able to be your helpers tonight. I'm sure they had fun. They were so excited to be going to Aunt Paula's. Love Ya!
