Saturday, January 3, 2009

Anniversary Trip

Back in October, Tristan & I took a road trip to the New England states to celebrate our 5 year anniversary. We saw some really beautiful and interesting scenery. Here's just a little bit of what we saw.
DiMillo's floating restaurant in Portland, Maine. It had great sea food.

Lenny - 1,700 pounds of chocolate

Portland Head Light - commissioned in 1791 by President George Washington.
It's located in Fort Williams Park in Cape Elizabeth, Maine.
Just some of the scenery in Vermont. It was next to impossible to capture everything. However, the fall colors were spectacular.


  1. I would love to go to the New England states sometime, especially in the fall, like you guys did. Glad you got to go. The pictures are beautiful!

  2. Yeah, me too!! I live in the "Northeast", yet I've never been there; we did get to Newport, Rhode Island one year, and the seafood there was scrumptious! Love your pictures.
